Living Canopies – Homepage Audit & Recommendations

Why Your homepage is Important The main purpose of a homepage is to: Clarify Benefit to Visitors Who is your product or service for? What does it do and how can it help them? Establish Trust Point The Way Having a strong home page builds trust with visitors and helps you turn a curious visitor […]

How To Create An Effective Case Study

For responsible organizations who want to grow support for their cause. Case studies are a great way to: Raise awareness for the work your organization does Build trust with potential supporters When done properly, case studies are a powerful asset for your organization. However, if you are missing even one element of what it takes […]

How To Choose A Donation Platform for Your Website with Less Fees

Processing donations on your website can get expensive. On top of typical credit card transaction fees (2.9% + $0.30 per transaction) some platforms charge processing and deposit fees that can really add up. Choosing the right donation processing platform specific to your organization’s needs can help you reduce your fees so you can increase your […]

The 3 Fundamental Challenges Holding Cause-Driven Organizations Back

How to identify where you’re stuck and break through so you can grow support for your cause. If you have a good cause, but you aren’t flourishing, you’re suffering from one or more of these three fundamental challenges: Challenge 1: We aren’t getting any traction outside of our immediate network.  Challenge 2: We aren’t growing […]